Building movement power and shifting the political terrain in Massachusetts.
Solidarity Rising is building a coalition of progressive, working-class candidates and movements to grow the power of long-underserved workers and communities, both electorally and through direct action and political education.
We build power, solidarity, economic and social justice, and democracy in communities that feel the pain of current injustices. We focus on communities with the strongest stake in change, from workers and low-income residents to immigrants and people of color, young people to women and LGBTQ folks. These people have the greatest desire for change and are most willing to struggle in the face of powerful interests persistently. In this way, mobilizing communities with skin in the game will help power our movements to overcome intractable political obstacles.
The goal is to recognize, build, and collectively wield our power in tangible, strategic ways that can dislodge the solidly entrenched obstacles to justice that are in our way. Examples include everything from active support for union organizing and strikes and labor support campaigns to demonstrations and marches, media-savvy direct action, including civil disobedience, sit-ins, and walk-outs, grassroots pressure campaigns, and more.
By building worker power, growing grassroots movements, and wagering and winning municipal races across the North Shore, we will create the foundation we will need to overcome corporate dominance of politics and shift political dynamics.
Meet Solidarity Rising | Salem, MA Patch
Now, post election we are strategizing around initiatives that will further our mission and support our group's electeds. Namely, our first priority is laid out in our SHINE campaign which seeks to build public support for more affordable, inclusive housing in Salem.