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Neighbors For More Neighbors


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SHINE is an initiative to prioritize legislation for affordable and inclusive housing in Salem, Massachusetts. 


SHINE capitalizes on recent changes to the MA zoning laws: Requiring only a simple majority vote from the council for nine designated zoning initiatives, as opposed to the traditional two-thirds majority. Salem already passed an ordinance related to ADU's, crossing two off the list.


Link to nine initiatives:


We are pushing for the passage of the remaining seven zoning initiatives in Salem, Massachusetts to honor its current residents and its history as an affordable, dense, walkable, inclusive city beginning with allowing for more multi-family housing in more parts of the city.

Apoyando iniciativas de vivienda para 

la equidad en el vecindario


Pedimos al Ayuntamiento de Salem que apruebe nuevas leyes en favor de una vivienda asequible e integradora en Salem, Massachusetts de acuerdo con las líneas establecidas por la Iniciativa de Elección de Vivienda de Massachusetts, empezando por permitir la vivienda multifamiliar de pleno derecho en todo Salem.

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